Pixel led WiFi Display full kit



Pixel led WiFi Display full kit

Item list

  1. Poly sheet height 1-foot width 5-foot hole (8×50)
  2. Ws2811 pixel led 8 Bunch (total 400 pixels led ) copper wire
  3. Smps 5 volt 10 ampere
  4. WiFi Display controller ( app download from our website or Below link )

App link – Download

controller features

ws2811 and ws2812 both pixelled work with this controller

  • Device Management Program on Android
  • Six scrolling text coloring effects
    • Set the color of text for the entire line
    • “Breath” – a smooth change in brightness
    • “Color” – smoothly changing the color of the entire text along the entire length of the line
    • “Rainbow” – the color gradient of the text along the length of the line
    • “Colored letters 1” – each letter of the text changes color when moving
    • “Colored letters 2” – each letter of the text has its own color
  • Effect settings can be changed from the program from a smartphone
  • Settings are saved in non-volatile EEPROM memory
  • The text string transferred to the device is stored in memory and restored after the device is turned on
  • Voice recognition for creeping text input
  • Network connection settings (SSID and password, static IP) are set in the program and stored in EEPROM

pixel led wifi display controller is available in different matrix size which is multiple of 8 starts 8×8 matrix size to 8×64 matrix siz

Display with Ws2811  Pixel led

Pixel led WiFi Display full kit

Display with WS2812 pixel led strip

Additional information

Weight 3000 g


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